Arts and Crafts

I spent the last ten years of my London life running art and crafts workshops to children aged 4 to 11 years old here in South London, between after school clubs, festivals, art classes and birthday parties.
Teaching them what I know, giving them ideas, making sure they understand colours and the billions things they can do with their hands, introducing them to new techniques and new materials, showing them that everything is possible and that we have no limit, understanding them, making art together, and the most important, having fun! I saw a lot of children growing, becoming creative and more confident. I have always seen children coming to art club with a big smile and leaving with a bigger one. Those kids… they keep you young!
Things have changed in my life and I stopped running my art sessions in 2020. Sometimes life shows you other paths. It does not mean that it is over for good, but I’m having a break at the moment.
So my friends, for anyone creative who is thinking about starting art sessions to children: if you love having children around you, are patient enough, love making new stuff all the time, love not to follow the rules, and love making you own artistic rules, if you think about this job with passion, just go for it! Kids are the best human beings! They catch everything so easily and can learn from you as much as you can learn from them too.
These 10 years have been the greatest for me, really!
Here are a lot of photos, plenty of ideas of my arts and crafts classes with those kids, done through the years.
Enjoy, be inspired, make art and have fun!